The Easter Story – Church of Scotland

A gift for the children of Scotland Tìodhlac do chlann na h-Alba Bhidio blàth-chridheach na Càisge dhan h-uile pàiste ann an Alba! Coimhead air an sgeulachd eòlas air sgeulachd…

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The Wedding at Cana – Church of Scotland

A gift for the children of Scotland Tìodhlac do chlann na h-Alba A LEGO animation of The Wedding at Cana for every child in Scotland! Watch the story the…

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David and Goliath – Church of Scotland

A gift for the children of Scotland Tìodhlac do chlann na h-Alba A LEGO animation of David and Goliath for every child in Scotland! Watch the story the story…

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The Paralysed Man – Church of Scotland

A gift for the children of Scotland Tìodhlac do chlann na h-Alba A LEGO animation of THE PARALYSED MAN for every child in Scotland! Watch the story the story…

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The Raising of Lazarus- Church of Scotland

A gift for the children of Scotland Tìodhlac do chlann na h-Alba A LEGO animation of The Raising of Lazarus for every child in Scotland! Watch the story the…

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The Christmas Story – Church of Scotland

A gift for the children of Scotland Tìodhlac do chlann na h-Alba Bhidio Nollaig LEGO blàth-chridheach airson a h-uile pàiste ann an Alba! Coimhead air an sgeulachd na Nollaige…

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The Good Samaritan – Church of Scotland

A gift for the children of Scotland Tìodhlac do chlann na h-Alba A LEGO animation of The Good Samaritan for every child in Scotland! Watch the story the parable…

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